Like most rattie owners I also have some other critters at home. I am an animal lover and have been throughout
my life. I have had the privelage to own(or co-own with my parents as a kid) ferrets, parrots, labs, fish, hermit
crabs, finches, parakeets, other dogs, cats, mice, hamsters, turtles, rabbits,ducks,chickens, yes did I even mention a goat.
Never had a snake,chinchilla or a rat(of course until NOW...boy what I was missing!)
I'm too sexy for my fur.... |

This is Cloen. Long story behind him. I got him as a kitten as he was abandoned outside frail, weak and cold
at my mother's house. She worked full time and I had just left my job for better hours. I tended to him non stop
feeding him from a medicine dropper. He was very sickly and I didn't think he'd make it. At the time, I had looked
briefly and thought he was a girl. He was very black and furry as you can see and I didn't see any extras. I named
in Cloe. Well, as his health improved I took him to the vets for his first real check up, shots and all. Turned
out I had a boy. Now, that 's a goof I can honestly say was MY fault. So I had to rename him something close to
what he had. My boyfriend suggested adding a letter to change it. "N" Cloen. Perfect. He is
a very strong healthy neutered indoor kitty who has learnt that rats rule and that's just how it is. He is very playful
and spoiled as he naps with my boyfriend all day. He is very vocal and blats for anything he needs. He is like
our Lassie. hehe. He is around two years old. He can be a brat too don't get me wrong.

Have any of you ever seen such a sight? This is Cloen inside the boys' cage. Yes, inside. I
was visiting my boys when he decided he wanted to visit them too. He jumped up inside and just sat there gawking at
the boys. They examined him as well. If I was a rattie and a big fat kitty was in my cage I'd be like, "What the?"
My rats all get along wonderfully with my cats as the cats do also. They love to play with each other. I am happy
because Cloen tries to play with Daisy and she wants no part in it. So it gives something for Cloen to do. He
will run really fast through the living room and jump over Isabella and then just look at her. She looks back as if
to say,"And now what?" It's very comical. My cats are gentle with the rats. They all know their boundaries.