Got Hammock hanging issues? Need ideas?
Need Rattie Floor covering ideas for those wire floors?
Not a sewer like me?
Need a quick hammock idea?
Vicky AKA Rattmomm: Let's talk hammocks
If you're using fleece, grab a piece, cut it, then trifold
it and use a safety pin at the intersections to hold it, take a pair of scissors and make a small hole at each corner to hang
it and thread in a piece of material scrap, a zip tie or a safety pin to hang it with and you don't have to do any sewing.
It also works well with the little tea towels at the dollar store. For a dollar a piece and a few minutes pinning you're
good to go. Or you can even get the snap machines and put snaps on them, or sew a button on and make a small hole for
a button hole.
I just thought of this idea for your rat's water. They
sell in Walmart, maybe other stores too, these trays of tubes that you freeze for human water bottles for work or play.
Why not buy a tray, which may come in different amount of tube amounts, to freeze for your rat's water bottles? Heck,
I do that for my kids wouldn't you do that for your animals? The tray I bought contained 24 tubes that you fill with
water and freeze so there is plenty to keep their water cold all day and night. From: Tonya(Ratsalot)
Someone on the ratlist made this for their mouse. If I can find where to get them I will put the link up here but
I wanted you to see this cute little creation. Follow the link below.
Four Rat Rotation
Growing your own digging box/wheatgrass
Digging Box Ideas
From: Karen Ison
Hi ratluva friends, I have been meaning to share this idea for some time. Instead of a dirt digging box (which I
did start planted with Pet grass), we got down an old inexpensive plastic footlocker designed for Christmas ornaments. I purchased
a bag of cornstarch packing peanuts. They're not only non-toxic, but are actually edible. We filled the footlocker full of
the peanuts - then added our 6 little ratti girls. It took them a while to get the hang of it (a few weeks/tries) - but once
they did - they Love it. They dive into it, "swim' along under the surface, play hide & seek, and very occassionally,
munch on one. It is also clean & easy to maintain. When they're not playing, we put the top down, & it doubles as
a bench.
Keeping your ratties warm:
1.) Take some heavy duty material, like denim (like that was rat proof lol)
sew a pouch and toss in some long grain rice. Zap it in the microwave for a minute or so and put it in the cage for
them to cuddle on.
2.) A heating pad placed under their cage with no cords that are easily accessible
3.) A small heater from Home Depot or someplace else near their cages that you
can set to keep them warm but NOT too hot
4.) Make sure cages are not near drafty windows or doors. Cover windows with
thick draperies or better yet plastic over those older home windows if you do not have storm windows etc.
5.) Throw in some fleece and fabric material for bedding
6.) You may be able to find a frisbee shaped heat disk as they use in the vet's
office (link to one coming soon as I find one)