Ratsalot Rattery And Rescue

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Adoption Info

**I DO NOT adopt to anyone who is looking for a feeder.  I ONLY sell pairs of same sex, opposite sex or single rats to those that qualify with my requirements of current rats you own.  Based upon your needs.**

To adopt any of my ratties, I ask you fill out an adoption form.  I use this information to fulfill the best needs for a good home for my ratties.  I want to ensure you have some good rattie knowledge and environment for them to be loved, cared for, kept safe and treated with the upmost respect any animal deserves.  I hope you don't think I am being pushy or too demanding, I just want to be sure you are aware of my ratties needs as well as your own.  I provide you with sweet tempermanted rats that come from alot of love and TLC and I adopt them out to those that can provide the same.

Adoption Fees

Any COLOR rat/Standard ear/Albino $12.00

Dumbo/Hairless/Himalyan/Siamese/Blue  $14.00

*Remember I do not ship as it is unsafe for ratties.  I can help in transport if needed as far as meeting halfway issues*

Your name.*
Your email address:*
Your address*
Phone number(optional)
Do you own or rent? If renting, are pets allowed?
What other animals do you own other than rats?
Do you have any kids and what role do they play in caring for pets, handling etc?
Your age and kids(if this applies to you)*
Are you knowledgeable about rats?
How many rats do you have now? What are their sexes?
How are your rats housed?
What type of bedding do you use?
What do you feed your rats?
Do you have a regular veterinarian for your rats?If not, you should look one up in your area and their expertise and check if they can help in emergencies.
How long do you quarantine new rats and how?
What are you looking for in a rat as far as color/sex?
Would you like to be put on my waiting list?If so, for which litter or rat?

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All info here is shared by other rat lovers.  Feel free to copy any pictures you like but if you save any links please ask the owner beforehand.  Ex:  ratteries etc.  Thank you!