Ratsalot Rattery And Rescue

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Chat room

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Hello and welcome to my chat room page.  Please click the coffee cup and let's chat with other rat lovers.
Don't forget to visit my new forum.  Click below and post away.
***I do ask you keep it clean and be respectful of others.

As my chat room is always open to anyone, I have narrowed it down to two nights a week to meet up and chat.  I thought it would be fun to find a set time to participate in some informational chatting or just get to know other rat lovers out there.  So if you would like to chat and be sure someone is here, Chat times are as follows;
Wednesdays after 9pm Eastern time
Saturdays at 10pm Eastern time
This allows those that CAN chat during the week a chance to meet with each other and others the chance on the weekend.  If you can do both, GREAT!
It just helps to have everyone together at the same time instead of hopping in and out and hoping someone is on.  Thank you very much to all whom make this possible. 

Click on the map and find out where you or your online friends are from and what time it is there.


Would you like to visit my forum?  Got quesions, concerns, comments, wanna meet new friends?  Drop a post on my forum and say hello.

*****I do want to let you know make sure your pop up blockers are on as most folks have them nowadays.  I apologize but I am using the free service and it contains ads.  Just a note some pop up blockers might block the entire chat page also you'll just have to determine what is the best settings for yourself.  Thank you for your patience.**** 


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All info here is shared by other rat lovers.  Feel free to copy any pictures you like but if you save any links please ask the owner beforehand.  Ex:  ratteries etc.  Thank you!