Ratsalot Rattery And Rescue

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Rescues and Fosters

This page is dedicated to any ratties that I rescue or foster looking for homes.  I have saved ten of my own rats as "rescues".  Perhaps in my findings through local pet shelters,stores, unwanted owners this page will help in finding you a new rattie that could use some TLC.  I originally had this in mind but was afraid I'd be in over my head.  I have since reconsidered my outlets.  I would like to breed my rats at a minimal upon request and demand only.  I was never in this to make money and would just like to help these beautiful, smart and witty creatures into homes that want them not snub them.  If you have a rat you need fostered or just feel you can't keep your rat anymore.  Please contact me for further questions or fill out the form below. 

Surrender Form

Full Name
Phone Number(with area code)
Are you surrendering your rat(s)? Why?
How many rats?
Could I have a brief background on your rat(s)?
Will you help in transport?
Will any supplies come with the rat(s)? If so, please list.
Will you help in any Vet costs or donate any amount of money?
I agree to surrender my rat(s) to Ratsalot Rattery and Rescue and agree not to recander on my decision due to the fact that my rat(s) need a loving,stable home not a spur of the moment split decision. Unless Ratsalot Rattery and Rescue believes you will provide the upmost care for your rat and perhaps were going through rough times. In doing so your rat will be returned to you. If you do not forsee any possible way to care for your rat or return it to your home your rat will be put up for adoption. If I do not agree to these terms then Ratsalot Rattery and Rescue can not obtain my rat(s) for possible repercussions in my acts. If I agree with these terms then I will type agree in the box if I do not I will not be considered for surrendering/fostering/adopting in further contacts.

Fostering Form

Full Name
Phone number(with area code)
Do you need help in fostering?
How many rats?
Can you help in transport?
Do you know the ages of the rats or rat?
Could you tell me any background on the rat(s)?
Do any supplies come with the rat(s)? If so please list.
Are you willing to make a small donation in food,bedding or small amount of money for care costs? If so, please state.
How long do you intend for the rat(s) to be fostered?
Will you be finding suitable adopters/homes for the rat(s) or will that be my responsibility?
I agree to allow Ratsalot Rattery and Resue to care for my rat(s) in which I need fostering until they are adopted by either my findings or Ratsalot Rattery and Rescue upon agreeing to that.

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All info here is shared by other rat lovers.  Feel free to copy any pictures you like but if you save any links please ask the owner beforehand.  Ex:  ratteries etc.  Thank you!