I saw a dog last week come into the shelter. She was over-bred.
A little girl said to her mom, look it’s a pig. We cried.
Cat’s come in with missing eyes and mange. We cried
Dogs come in with mange so bad; we can hardly look at them.
We cry.
Hamsters come in with bites all over their bodies.
I tell myself, its okay to cry.
Rats come in abused, so afraid to be touched.
I give them love very slowly. They bit me in defense.
I cry, not for myself, but for them.
Mice come in with mites all over their bodies. I tell myself, it’s
Okay to cry.
Guinea pigs come in so very scared. They don’t know why
They were dumped. I cry.
People come in looking for their lost pets. They forgot to put
Their tags on their pets.
I tell them not to give up. We both cry.
People come in to claim their dead pets. I tell them its okay to cry.
I look at the abused, sad looking bunnies. I cry.
People say to me. How can you stand to volunteer here? I could not do it.
I say I try to make a difference. Yes I cry a lot.
I fight back the tears when I see something that just breaks my
I tell myself go ahead. It’s okay to cry.
They say I would want to bring them all home. You can’t I tell
You just try very hard to save and adopt. Out as many as you
I cry when one dies, or help put to sleep a rabbit or a rodent. I
Love these guys.
There are happy tears and sad tears. I tell myself, go ahead
It’s ok to cry.
I really cry every time I lose one of my pets rats.
They are like miniature puppies running around to please you.
They give you so much unconditional love. I cry. I tell myself
Go ahead and cry.
All pets small or large, give you conditional love.
When you’re sad, they are there.
When you are happy, they are there.
When you lose, a pet, it’s not just an animal; it’s your best
Friend. It’s okay to cry.
I lost Samuel to God last week. I cried.
God replaces Samuel with a twin. I said to myself, do I dare
Love this pet?
This is not Samuel, I cried. Thinking for the first time God
Hear my cries. I cried.
Its okay to cry for Samuel and love this new boy called
I just lost my beloved pet rat of four years and one month old.
He did not want to go.
I have been keeping Bandit alive for the last seven months.
Bandit did not want to say good-bye to me. He was very
I saw a tear in his eyes. We had to say our last good bye.
It is okay for me to feel this much pain?
I tell myself go ahead and cry. I will miss you big boy.
This poem is for everyone who has lost a beloved pet in the
Past or future.
It’s still okay to remember him or her and cry.
From The Heart of Judy Griffith
Long Beach Animal Control Volunteer-10 years
Judy’s Poem 2-13-2001