Ratsalot Rattery And Rescue

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Rainbow Bridge

Click to hear some good music dedicated for your beloved missed ratties.


You I will miss,
From the moment of our last kiss.
Though you won't be in my arms,
I know you are free from all that harms.
You will forever bestill my heart,
As I loved you from the start.
I will love you each day that has past,
For one's love for you my sweet will forever last.
Tonya Granger copyright 2005
Dedicated for those whose sweet babies have crossed the bridge in rainbow skies.

Feel free to feel out the following form as I am going to create a memorial for those beloved ratties that have passed over.

Beloved Rattie's name(s)
In memory of: (what you'd like to do submit photo or story here)
Please give me your email address in case of editing purposes. Thank you and I am sorry for your loss.

To Rattie Memorial Page

I have this page linked because some folks might get upset seeing a rattie that looks like theirs on the memorial page or even those that do submit a beloved memorial to their rattie might feel uncomfortable too if they constantly see their passed loved ones jumping up in front of them on the screen.

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Ratsalot Rattery and Rescue

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All info here is shared by other rat lovers.  Feel free to copy any pictures you like but if you save any links please ask the owner beforehand.  Ex:  ratteries etc.  Thank you!